Monday 14 November 2016


Temwa Office, Mzuzu
In a bid to enhance programme delivery capacity, YAACC on Friday, 11 November 2016, toured programme sites for Temwa, a charity organisation working in communities in Nkhata Bay district.

YAACC was represented by six members: Evans Lwara, Herbert Shumba, Dan Katete, Tuwani Chirwa, Fiscian Nsini and Chimembe Junior. The team arrived at Temwa offices around 9 am where a briefing on what the two organisations do was done. After that, YAACC was led to Mzgola and Njiri areas where Temwa is running the Nkhata Bay Natural Way programme.

Lwara with Mr Chavula
Mzgola tree  nursey 
At Mzgola, YAACC was introduced to a lead farmer Mr Custom Chavula who led the team down the valley where nursery tree raising and demonstration garden is done. At the site, YAACC met one Chimwemwe Mhango who is the area's Extension Volunteer. Mr Mhango explained how Temwa has helped the community in terms of not only conservation but also household nutritional support.

"They give us various seeds for vegetables for each family to improve its nutrition," he told us.

Mzgola Village Nutural Resources Management Committee carters for two villages: Katemanga and Kapazuka villages.

Njiri pine woodlot initiative
At Njiri area, we visited a Village woodlot initiative where pine trees are being planted on a sloppy hillside. The site revealed total commitment by the community to ensure vegetative cover.

In his remarks to Temwa officer responsible for agriculture, YAACC team leader, Evans Lwara expressed gratitude for being allowed to tour Temwa and their programme areas.

"We have learnt a lot from our visit. We hope that this is the beginning of more good things to come in the near future," Lwara said.

The visit was organised to expose YAACC members to what other organisations are doing. it was also aimed at sharing with Temwa what YAACC does so as to open  opportunities for information sharing on issues of climate change and climate smart agriculture.

an after visit photo with Temwa Officers